Women Scribbling is Now...
We Women Awake
In these challenging times, I believe it imperative that we women commit to listening to that still small voice within so we can turn it into a roar
because it might just save us all. ​
As women, It takes courage to listen to and express our deepest knowing and then act upon its wisdom. Without access to this deep knowledge, we are vulnerable to the barrage of social media constantly telling us who we should be and how we should look, think, and act. We are reduced to people pleasing because we have no internal compass guiding us home to the truth of who we are. This results in our gifts and talents withering depriving the world of our glory. We Women Awake was created as a virtual and in-person sacred space where like-minded women join in community to support, encourage, and uplift each other's voices.
Waking The Dream
Maybe you had a dream that’s gone underground because you made it small and dismissed it as frivolous while you focused on the important things in life like earning a living, building a career, finding a partner and having a family.
Or maybe you followed a dream with passion and zeal only to discover it was someone else’s dream for you.
Or maybe you've never dared to dream, because it scares you or because no one ever gave you permission and you don't know how, but you are restless and cranky and have no idea why...